How Much Rat Poison is Lethal to Dogs?

d-Con Rat PoisonHow much rat poison is lethal to dogs? This is a question that many pet owners ask themselves, especially if they live in an area with rats and mice. The problem of rodent infestation can be solved by using rat poison. However, it’s important to know how much rat poison will be dangerous for your dog before you use it! In this article, we will discuss some of the most common questions about rat poisoning for dogs so you can make an informed decision before starting any pest control treatments.

What are the risks to my pet from rat bait?

The risks to your pet depend on the product you use. Generally, a poison is considered ‘highly toxic’ if it contains bromethalin, chlorophacinone, or diphacinone. If this type of rat bait is ingested by your dog then they will likely die from poisoning within an hour of eating the bait.

How much rat poison is toxic to dogs?

The amount of toxic rat poison in your dog’s stomach will depend on the type and size of bait. Generally, 15-30 milligrams can kill a small to medium-sized dog (15 lbs or less). If you have a larger dog, it would take more than 100 mg to cause poisoning.

How to tell if a dog ate rat poison

If your dog has eaten a poisonous rat bait, they may exhibit symptoms like lethargy or depression. They might also vomit up the product if it is still in their stomach and have diarrhea as well as show signs of neurological problems such as seizures.

Immediately give them some activated charcoal (usually found at pharmacies) mixed with water by mouth – this will help bind any poison that is left inside their intestines before it can enter into the bloodstream. This prevents absorption and helps remove toxins from its digestive system so that you can get medical treatment right away.

If your dog doesn’t show any symptoms after being given immediate treatment then there’s nothing more that needs to be done other than keeping an eye out for future signs of poisoning. If he does have symptoms like seizures or diarrhea, call the vet right away!

How Your Dog Might Be Poisoned

Ingestion: Poisoning can happen by eating a rat that has been poisoned.

Inhalation: Your dog may breathe in poison if it’s sprayed or atomized, like from using an insecticide.

Skin Exposure: If your pet gets into the bait and then licks his fur afterward, this could potentially be harmful as well!

Know what type of bait you have before opening up that concealed location your dog is snooping around in, so there’s no confusion as to whether this could be harmful to him.

Ways your pet might come into contact with rat poison such accident, secondary poisoning, and deliberate poisoning.


ratIf your pet gets into the bait and then licks his fur afterwards, this could potentially be harmful as well! Rats are known carriers of diseases such as plague. From a pantry accident to a child’s curiosity with an unattended bag, there is always a risk for accidental ingestion by pets or children.

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I have had a pet dog that has ingested rodenticide and my vet was able to give me some specific instructions on what to do such as bringing the packet of product in for verification–you can also confirm if it is fatal by calling your local animal hospital or emergency care clinic! In addition, I would like to recommend reading this article with tips so you will be prepared when and if this happens again.

Secondary Poisoning

Secondary exposure occurs when other animals come in contact with rats that have ingested rat poison. For example, coyotes may eat poisoned rats they find on the edge of town which means you also need to protect them from coming into contact with it too! Protect not only our beloved dogs but all living creatures out there–especially those who cannot speak up for themselves!

Deliberate Poisoning

If your dog was deliberately poisoning, you need to contact your veterinary hospital immediately.

There are also signs and symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive drooling in addition to a variety of other things so if one symptom is present the vet will likely want to know more about what has been going on with the pet!

Are rats poisonous to dogs?

brown rat 2115585 640If your dog was exposed to rat poison and it’s not the first time, you need to contact a vet ASAP. If they are experiencing any signs of poisoning then there will probably be some form of treatment depending on how much was ingested. Your local animal hospital or emergency care clinic! In addition, I would like to recommend reading this article with tips so you will be prepared when and if this happens again.

There are also signs and symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive drooling in addition to a variety of other things so if one symptom is present the vet will likely want to know more about what has been going on with the pet!

Rat poisons can depend on which type but typically take anywhere from a few hours to several days before symptoms occur and can even be fatal.

Rat poisons are usually pretty easy to spot so if you see them in your house or the yard, take some precautions like keeping trash cans covered because rats will go through it!

To avoid this situation altogether, I would recommend removing any rat poison from your property and then sealing up all entry points for rodents such as cracks in foundations, shrubs that have grown too close to the wall of a house, or gaps where wires come into contact with ground level.

Types of Rodenticides and Their Effects on Dogs

While all rodenticides are dangerous to pets, some can be more lethal than others. Veterinarians in the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Poison Control Center report that there is a range of variance between rat poisons with regard to toxicity and severity of poisoning symptoms.

Anticoagulant rodenticides (ACR)

The most commonly used type of rat poison on the market today is anticoagulants which lead to internal bleeding by inhibiting vitamin K metabolization in animals’ blood clotting cascade. This often causes vomiting or bloody diarrhea leading up to death within one week if untreated. A secondary victim could result from an animal ingesting another poisoned animal as they tend not view dead animals as food.

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)

A less-used type of rat poison on the market today is cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) which induces kidney failure with a range from mild to severe symptoms. The most common symptom is vomiting followed by bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and dehydration as it can take up to two weeks for an animal’s kidneys to become fully affected leading up to death if untreated.


Bromethalin is a neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system. Antidotes are available but need to be administered quickly in order for them to work effectively.

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Unlike zinc phosphide where ingestion will result in death within a few hours, bromethalin poisoning symptoms can take anywhere from two to six days before they start showing with signs like vomiting and diarrhea at first followed by hyperactivity and tremors which may lead to coma or even death without treatment.


Zinc phosphide falls under the category of acute toxicants which means it will kill an animal or human who ingests any amount as opposed to chronic toxicity where small doses over time could result in poisoning symptoms like vomiting, nausea and diarrhea among other things. The difference between zinc phosphide with bromethalin rodenticides is that ingesting enough zinc phosphide would likely lead to death in a matter of hours after exposure.

The most common way this rodenticide is ingested by dogs, and potentially humans as well, is if they eat or chew on pieces of the toxic bait that has already been chewed up by rodents.

What to do if a dog eats rat poison?

JT Eaton copyDogs are usually okay if they ingest a small amount of rat poison.

If your dog has eaten a large quantity or you think he might have ingested zinc phosphide and/or bromethalin rodenticides, it’s best that you call your local veterinarian immediately for advice as soon as possible. They may recommend inducing vomiting at home with hydrogen peroxide solution (following instructions on the bottle) or waiting until arriving at the vet clinic before doing so because too much fluid loss could result in death due to severe dehydration.

You can also ask for an IV drip if you notice signs of dehydration such as excessive panting, dry mouth or tongue, lethargy etc., in order to restore fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea which is common with rat poisoning cases due to rapid toxin absorption from their stomach lin intestines respectively.

What can you give a dog that ate rat poison?

If there is access to freshwater, dogs can be encouraged to drink lots of it since this will help flush out the toxins from their system.

Water intake needs to be monitored closely and continued for several hours (or even days) to flush out the toxins and prevent kidney failure.

Do not give your dog anything else other than water during this time, as eating could worsen the condition. Pills cannot be given without a vet’s degree approval.

How Long Does It Take Rat Poison to Affect a Dog?

The effects of rat poison on a dog manifest in three different ways. The first, and mildest form is when the stomach isn’t fully emptied by vomiting or diarrhea before consuming more food. If this happens then it can take hours to days for symptoms to show up depending on how much toxin was consumed.

If there are no signs that your pet has been poisoned but they have ingested some type of rodenticide toxins like anticoagulant poisons (rat bait), you need to monitor them closely over the next few weeks because if left untreated their condition will worsen as time goes on with potential side effects including internal bleeding throughout their system potentially leading to death from kidney failure.

Second, poisoning occurs quickly in cases where large doses are consumed.

Third, poisoning symptoms can develop quickly and include a lack of coordination (ataxia), vomiting, diarrhea, drooling or difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), liver failure leading to jaundice in the skin as well as other organs and finally seizures.

Tips on what should be done when the dog eats rat poison

Induce vomiting, which is the only way to remove poison from your pet’s stomach if it has been ingested within the past hour or so and likely will be in their system for at least a few hours following ingestion of rat bait.

For pets that are not responsive, seek veterinary care immediately as they may need emergency care like supportive therapy with oxygen and intravenous fluids to help stabilize them until treatments can begin on getting rid of the anticoagulant poisoning they have taken in.

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Administering activated charcoal may also help absorb some toxins before you get to veterinarian treatment because there is always a delay between when an animal was poisoned or exposed, what ingredients were in the bait and when you are able to get treatment (e.g., inducing vomiting).

If your pet has consumed an amount of rat poison that is not lethal, but they have vomited or if there is any sign of bleeding in vomit or stool, contact a veterinarian for advice on what types of treatments may be available.

Why do dogs eat rat poison?

Havoc Rat copyDogs typically seek out rat poison when they’re bored or left alone too long without human companionship and attention. It is not uncommon for a dog to find and eat rat poison, which can be poisonous because the chemicals in them are designed to kill rodents. Fortunately, there are treatments available from veterinarians who specialize in animal medicine.

If you suspect your dog has ingested rodenticide then contact Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435 immediately for instructions on how best to proceed with treatment.

How long after eating rat poison till my dog becomes unwell?

There are a variety of factors that can affect the severity and length of time it may take for your dog to show symptoms after ingesting rodenticide.

It depends on how much poison was eaten, what type of rat poison was ingested (there are many types), as well as other health conditions such as age or underlying illnesses. Veterinarians usually have a difficult time deciding when treatment should be given without knowing these details.

Many people worry about waiting too long for their pet to become unwell before they call in a veterinarian, but there is no set amount of time that’s always safe to wait before seeking veterinary care. The sooner you get medical help, the better chance your pup has at recovering fully.

In general, the sooner you get your pet to a veterinarian, the better chance they have at recovering fully. If there are any immediate symptoms of toxicity present (vomiting and lethargy), it’s always best to call a vet right away.

What can be done to prevent rat bait poisoning?

Store poisons securely in locked cabinets or drawers away from kids and pets. Seal it in a plastic container, or even better–a metal one! Make sure to keep the cap tightly closed when not using the product. Be sure not leave any rodent baits out in areas accessible by your animals. Keep all poisons secured up high where curious paws can’t reach them.

To prevent rat bait poisoning, you can install traps or live-catch mouse traps in your home to catch rodents before they eat the poisons. Dispose of dead bodies by placing them inside a metal container with newspaper and seal tightly.

What If You’re Not Sure If Your Dog Ate Rat Poison, but You’re Still Worried?

Monitor the animal for signs of poisoning and call the APCC and a Poison Control Center immediately after any symptoms arise. They’ll be able to help assess what type of danger your pet is in by taking into account many factors like: how much rat bait was ingested; whether it’s been less than or more than 12 hours since ingestion; if there are any symptoms present (vomiting, lethargy).

The sooner you call them after finding out about exposure, the better chance they have at recovering fully.


The severity of poisoning depends largely on what kind of rodenticide was ingested but the effects are often fatal without treatment so any pet owner should be conscious about their environment when out walking or at home. If you suspect your dog has been exposed then contact either your veterinarian or local emergency vet clinic immediately!

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